Regardless of skin tone, age, or gender, everyone should use sunscreen for sun protection. Skin damage, early ageing, and an increased risk of developing skin cancer can all be brought on by exposure to the sun’s dangerous UV rays. Although the majority of people are aware that they should use sunscreen, there are several ground-breaking sun protection statistics that many people might not be aware of. In this piece, we’ll look at nine of these facts and talk about how they might improve your sun protection.
1-Don’t forget to safeguard your lips for sun protection!
Eckel claims that the lips have the greatest rate of skin cancer on the entire face because they don’t produce enough pigment to provide adequate sun protection. They may be more susceptible to UV damage, creases, and wrinkles since they are delicate and protrude.
“To prevent lip ageing, use lipstick and lipgloss with SPF 30 or higher, “she claims. “The lips are protected from the sun by lipsticks with deeper pigments; keep in mind that physical sunscreens like zinc and titanium are frequently employed in lipstick production.
2-It’s not necessary to turn red before turning brown.
“This is one of the biggest fallacies about sun protection and it causes cases of skin cancer, “declares Cleeve. “It is a fact that trauma sets in as soon as the skin becomes red. The length of the tan can be extended by using good sun protection. An excessively quick “trauma tan” caused by insufficient protection only guarantees that the skin burns and sheds, going tan-less in days.

3-Take Precautions in the Sun, Sand, and Snow
You might believe that the beach is the only area where you’ll need to apply sunscreen, but Cleeve says that UV rays can pass through cloud cover. Because of this, she explains, “year-round protection is vital, especially to prevent more skin ageing when it’s not summer.
So whether you’re heading to the beach, the sea, or the slopes, make sure to pack sun protection. The sunscreens that professional athletes use to protect their skin can be found here.
4- Save your fragrance for summer nights.
Cleeve cautions that perfume “may weaken the skin’s ability to protect itself against UV damage” when applied directly onto the skin. “Skin covered in perfume is more susceptible to sun harm.” This implies that your sunscreen’s level of protection is also lessened. According to legend, this is the reason you frequently see ladies with speckle pigmented areas on their chests and necks.
5- Safeguard yourself from the sun and screens.
We should shield ourselves from HEV rays, which are emitted by the sun, as well as from electronics and lightbulbs, in the same way that we shield ourselves from UV rays. According to research, HEV light can have a detrimental impact on the skin and eyes and has been shown to aggravate skin problems including melasma and post-inflammatory pigmentation by causing more inflammation than all other rays put together. You don’t need to reapply since fractionated melanin provides 10 hours of protection against HEV light and 100% protection overall. While fractionated melanin stops all gene activation, HEV light activates 90 genes in the skin.
6-Boost Your Skin’s Barrier for more sun protection
We are all aware that exposure to the sun can cause our skin to become dry and parched. The water in the epidermal barrier dries out in the sun, “describes Eckel. “This screen keeps the light from penetrating our skin because when the water evaporates, it punches holes in it. To fill the “holes” in the skin, she advises utilizing UV protection that also contains barrier repair agents.
Squalene, fatty acids, and ceramides are all ingredients that support a healthy skin barrier.
Always choose a broad spectrum SPF that offers UVA and UVB protection. You’re onto a big winner if the product mentions infrared, HEV radiation, or DNA repair and contains antioxidants.

7-Supplement Your sun protection
“All my patients take omega 3s, which are anti-inflammation supplements,” notes Eckel. Sun-induced inflammation is also reduced when you take omega 3 and is great for anti-aging, according to Eckel. She explains “studies have shown that if you take aspirin (orally) when you come back from the beach, its anti-inflammatory properties may reduce inflammation caused by sun exposure. So double up on omega 3s to double down on your protection.
8-In the skies, use sun protection.
Abi Cleeve, MD for Ultrasun UK and founder of SkinSense, issues the following warning: “Pilots spending extended time in the cockpit are up to twice as likely to get melanoma,” she says. UVA rays can penetrate glass, especially at high altitude. Hence, if you requested a window seat, a high UVA filtering SPF will protect your skin on the way to your destination.

9- Always use sunscreen indoors for sun protection.
Sunscreen can evaporate in direct sunlight, so Cleeve advises using a lot of it and applying it indoors at least 15 minutes before going outside so the filters can bond with the skin and not sit out in the sun for too long. Apply a lot of it, do it inside, and do it first thing, she advises.