We all become much more conscious of our armpits—and how they currently smell—when warm weather comes we look for deodorant substitutes and the natural temptation to do tank tops or sundresses hits. Although during summers we tend to take bath everyday or every alternate day because there are several benefits of taking a bath. If you’ve been thinking about switching to a more natural deodorant, you might not know what to consume. That is why we are here. We requested the opinions of Hadley King, MD, and Aanand Geria, MD, FAAD, about the best deodorant substitutes. Read on to learn their decision.
1-Coconut Oil

We all become much more conscious of our armpits—and how they currently smell—as the warmer weather draws near and the natural temptation to don tank tops or sundresses hits. You might not know where to begin if you’ve been thinking about deodorant substitutes, switching from your deodorant to a more natural one. We present to you an easy quick help. We requested the opinions of Aanand Geria, MD, FAAD, and Hadley King, MD, about the best deodorant substitutes. For their decision, continue reading.
2- Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil works well as a deodorant subsitutes, however the smell may take some getting used to. According to Geria, “Tea tree oil is an antifungal agent that helps combat bacteria that cause odours.” You may also combine coconut oil and tea tree oil: For every 1/2 cup of coconut oil, add 10 drops of tea tree oil and well combine. It can be kept in a tiny container for upcoming uses.
3- Charcoal

King suggests using charcoal as a natural deodorant substitutes. Charcoal is another well-liked skincare product. She notes that charcoal can effectively absorb moisture, making it useful for removing moisture from underarms. “Charcoal won’t block sweat the way that aluminum-based antiperspirants can by blocking eccrine ducts, but it can absorb moisture,” she says. Additionally, “it has antibacterial properties, it can also help prevent odor.”
Add 1/4 cup of a base oil, such as coconut, and 1/2 teaspoon of activated charcoal powder to create a charcoal deodorant.
4- Baking Soda and Cornstarch

Consider applying a combination of baking soda and corn flour beneath your arms to absorb perspiration and reduce odor. These two items are usually already in your kitchen. According to Geria, the combination of baking soda, which neutralizes odors, and corn flour, which absorbs moisture, effectively reduces sweat and odor.
Without adding any liquid, you may apply dry corn flour to your underarms by combining one part baking soda with six parts corn flour.
5- Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA)

Alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) toner is a product that King advises using to reduce underarm odor. “AHAs can help get rid of odor-causing bacteria,” she claims. This is due to the fact that they can reduce the pH levels in the armpits, which makes the area less friendly to the bacteria that create odor. However, there is a warning: “A gentle AHA toner can be a nice option for limiting bacterial growth, but be careful because it’s also possible to experience dryness or irritation,” the expert cautions.
She advises including rose water or aloe Vera to lessen the chance of discomfort. Try equal quantities of each component, and if irritation develops, reduce the AHA.
6- Lemon Juice

According to Geria, lemon juice is an acidic material that helps eliminate germs that cause odor and leaves a fresh aroma, making it a good choice for your armpits. You may just massage a lemon slice beneath your arms if squeezing a lemon and doing so seems too drippy. Of course, make careful to clean off any citrus residue.
It might be interesting to experiment with a natural deodorant alternative, and you can use affordable materials like baking soda, lemon juice, and coconut oil. But although they will or will not perform efficiently compared to commercial deodorants is another matter. “Some natural ingredients may not be as effective as commercial products in controlling sweat or odor, especially for people with excessive sweating or body odor,” cautions Geria. Overall, several factors, including the precise components used, the individual’s body chemistry, and personal preferences, determine whether individual substances or DIY blends, as well as commercial deodorants, function. However, it’s worthwhile to experiment with different components and mixtures because you never know which one will work exactly for you.